Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to Attract and Retain Millennial Nurses

How to Attract and Retain Millennial NursesHow to Attract and Retain Millennial NursesHow to Attract and Retain Millennial Nurses DarienzoMillennial workers are front and center in todays workforce. In fact,according toPew Research,the generation born between 1982 and 1996 advanced as the largest generation in the labor force in 2016.If youre looking to hire Millennial nurses at your organization, its important to know what theyre looking for in a position and a company and how you can make your facility compete for this type of talent.Here are five ways to attract and retain Millennial nurses1. Invest in up-to-date technology and equipmentMillennials have grown up in the digital age and are accustomed to using the latest computers and devices at home and in the workplace. While its not necessary to buy iPads for each nurse, you will find that Millennials are mora easily frustrated with out-of-date or slow equipment they will push for streamlined, modern technology to make processes more efficient.2. Try to create a positive work-life balanceWhile it can be difficult to do in a busy health care setting, its vital to give your Millennial employees a better work-life balance. Younger nurses want more flexibility with their schedules they look for a flexible workplace that allows them to leave work early to pick up children or attend an important event like a wedding or funeral. They expect to have a generous amount of paid time off and the ability to adjust their hours when necessary.3. Provide open communication from executives and leadersOne of the quickest ways to lose employees is to keep them in the dark about important news or make big decisions without any input from them. Millennials are used to having information at their fingertips they want to know their voice is heard. Learning about important company news at the saatkorn time that thegeneral public does will only lower their trust in leadership and make them feel undervalued.Create a transparent cult ure at your facility by conducting an anonymous employee survey to find out what your nurses want most in their workand then make changes based on their feedback. Dont worry, you can start small. Even little changes will help build trust among workers.4. Communicate your purpose and provide ways to give backMillennials are value-driven. These professionals are committed to finding a company that helps them achieve this goal.This characteristic aligns with many nurses who chose their profession to make a difference in patients lives. They seek to work for an organization that not only provides quality health care but also values employees. They want authentic leadership and established programs that give back to the community.One easy way to ensure Millennial nurses understand your companys purpose is to print your core values on the back of all employee badges so they see them each time they clip them on for work. Talk about these values and how they can be further defined as part o f your employer branding. This will help employees feel they play a role in enhancing the company culture and fulfilling their mission to do good in the world.5. Spend more time mentoring new employees and focus on developmentMillennials are driven by their goals and actions they want ownership over projects and many aspire to be leaders themselves.Millennial expert and author Bruce Tulgan recommends mentoring these younger employees, providing them with regular feedback and guidance.Ask your nurse supervisors to allocate some of their time to coach new nurses and address their concerns and questions.Provide your Millennial employees with a mentor to help address a gap in soft skills. This could be another nurse or even a physician who can help them achieve their career goals and remain accountable.While these steps will require a bit of effort, theywill ultimately make your entire nursing staffBaby Boomers and Generation X-ers includedfeel more valued. And thats a good thing.Eric D arienzo is president of RNnetwork, a travel nurse staffing company based in Boca Raton, Fla.

Monday, December 23, 2019

What Fergies National Anthem disaster (and response) can teach us about embracing failure

What Fergies National Anthem disaster (and response) can teach us about embracing failureWhat Fergies National Anthem disaster (and response) can teach us about embracing failureIt was truly a noteworthy performance, but for all the wrong reasons.When Fergie took to the microphone to sing the National Anthem before the NBA All-Star Game on Sunday, herbei delivery didnt quite get the reaction youd hope for. In fact, far from it.Although some came to her defense - including former Lakers playerShaquille ONeal - the damage just couldnt be undone.Watch Fergies performance at the NBA All-Star GameThe games players and attendees clearly had trouble keeping their reactions to themselves. However,theres been some debate about whether or not Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green was actually reacting to the singers performance (he addressed Fergies performance after the game, among other topics).But the criticism also poured in online, of course, with people airing their discontent a nd comparisons being made to unique national anthem performances of the past.Roseanne Barr appeared to think that Fergies performance wasnt even in the same category as hers, done in 1990, which also made waves for all the wrong reasons, garnering sharp words from President George Bush.But the songstress didnt disappear into the shadows following her performance.What we can take away from Fergies apologyFergie didnt let the public roasting get her down, reportedly telling TMZ,Ive always been honored and proud to perform the national anthem and last night I wanted to try something special for the NBA. Im a risk taker artistically, but clearly, this rendition didnt strike the intended tone. I love this country and honestly tried my best.She didnt shy away from the spotlight after her performance or stay in the shadows. Instead, she embraced the moment and instead of lashing out at others for the chilly reception, she took full responsibility for how her rendition went.Her apology also seems to show that she took the opportunity to sing Americas national anthem seriously and that musically, she went out on a limb to try something different, even though it didnt work in her favor. Fergie also makes it abundantly clear that although people didnt largely praise her performance, her failure shouldnt be considered intentionally disrespectful. Saying that she honestly tried my best shows that Fergie is human, and she seems comfortable with that.So when you make a big mistake in your career or while representing your employer, its better to be upfront about it than to shy away or blame someone else.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Air Force Financial Responsibility

Air Force Financial ResponsibilityAir Force Financial ResponsibilityAFI 36-2906, PERSONAL FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, establishes administrative and management guidelines for alleged delinquent financial obligations and for processing financial claims against Air Force members. It also outlines basic rules for paternity cases and establishes base-level family support centers and personal financial management programs. Responsibilities of Military Members Military members will Pay their just financial obligations in a proper and timely manner.Provide adequate financial support for a spouse or child or any other relative for which the member receives additional allowances for support. Members will also comply with the financial support provisions of a court order or written support agreement.Respond to applications for involuntary allotments of pay within the suspense dates established by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS).Comply with rules concerning the government trav el charge card program. Handling Complaints Complainants are often unfamiliar with Air Force organizational addresses or do not know the members actual unit of assignment. They frequently address correspondence to the installation commander, Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), or the Military Personnel Flight (MPF). The complaint is forwarded to the individuals commander for action the commander attempts to respond to the complainant within 15 days. If the member has made a permanent change of station, the complaint is forwarded to the new commander, and the complainant is notified of the referral. If the member has separated with no further military tafelgeschirr or has retired, the complainant is notified and informed that the Air Force is unable to assist because the individual is no longer under its jurisdiction unless the complaint is a legal process directed for garnishment of retired pay for child support or alimony obligations. Commanders must actively monitor complaints until they are resolved. Failure to pay debts or to provide support to dependents can lead to administrative or disciplinary action. If the commander decides the complaint reflects adversely on the member, this action should be made a part of the Unfavorable Information File (UIF). Personal Financial Management Program (PFMP) The PFMP is a family support center program that offers information, education, and personal financial counseling to help individuals and families maintain financial stability and reach their financial goals. It provides education to all personnel upon arrival at their first duty station, to include as a minimum, facts about PFMP, checkbook maintenance, budgeting, credit buying, state or country liability laws, and local fraudulent business practices. The PFMP also provides refresher education to all SrA and below upon arrival at a new installation. Services provided by the PFMP are free of charge.

Friday, December 13, 2019

A Top Recruiter On Temporary Job Interviews

A Top Recruiter On Temporary Job InterviewsA Top Recruiter On Temporary Job InterviewsYouve discovered the advantages of working with a staffing firm that specializes in recruiting temporary accounting and finance professionals in your search for temporary work. Thats why you signed up with them. But now that its time to meet face to face, do you know how to succeed in a temporary job interview?Candidates should prepare to answer questions about their background, their strengths and weaknesses, and why theyre interested in the role - just as they would if they were interviewing for a full-time position, says Lauren Coker, Robert Half senior regional manager.But they should steer clear of talking too much about long-term opportunities when its a temporary job, she says. That could make them look like a flight risk or someone who wouldnt commit to the duration of the project.What other behind-the-scenes advice does Coker have to share about interviewing for a temporary job?Here are th ree ways that she says will help you stand out in a temporary job interview - and win the assignment.1. Research the company and know what it needsBefore the interview, you should research the company and look up the hiring manager on LinkedIn, Coker says.Employers have a variety of reasons for engaging temporary workers, but its safe to say theyre looking for someone to fill a specific role or complete an immediate project. You can find out from the job description and also from your staffing agency what a geschftliches miteinander is looking for in a candidate.Is the employer looking for a highly skilled finance professional who can supply specialized expertise? Does the company need to fill an entry-level position for someone on leave? Either way, youll want to focus on how you can quickly get up to speed to accomplish the tasks the company needs.2. Prepare for skill-based interview questionsSay youre interviewing for a temporary position as a tax accountant. Youll want to talk about your top-notch research, organization and communication skills, your commitment to ethics and a strong attention to detail. Preparing for a temporary job interview for a part-time bookkeeping position? Discuss your experience in preparing financial statements, managing bank reconciliations and processing payroll.What you need to do in the job interview is to outline your specific skills, Coker says. Articulate your experience, from software and positions to industry experience, and explain how youd transfer your skillsets to the temporary job youre applying for.Yes, you may be asked common job interview questions, such as Can you tell me a little about yourself? But the questions that will get to the heart of a temporary job interview are those that give you a chance to discuss similar work youve done in the past and the processes and technology youre familiar with.Practice your answers so youre able to present information about your relevant skills and experience, your adapta bility and flexibility, your ability to complete specific tasks and commit to a project, and how you can benefit the company.Here are some examples of skills-related questionsFor an accounts payable job Tell us about a time you discovered a discrepancy in an invoice. How did you solve it?For a cost accounting job What accounting packages have you worked with, and which one best meet your needs?For internal auditing Have you ever discovered an inefficiency or fraud during an audit?For a short-term role, personality fit isnt always the most critical component of the job interview, but your interpersonal skills still important.Hiring managers are going to want someone who fits in with their staff and collaborates with others on the team, Coker says. And you can be sure that if there are two or three people who are all equally qualified for the position, they will choose the person who they connect with most from a soft skills perspective.3. Be proactive and ready to workHiring managers need to know youre going to be able to hit the ground running with little or no training for the temporary job. They also want to know youre interested in the kind of work youll be doing.Be sure to express your interest in the job and that youre ready to work right away, assuming you are, Coker says. Show that you have initiative, and that you care about bettering yourself and adding value to the organization.Keep in mind that some companies may be considering a temp-to-hire strategy, where they can evaluate potential hires before offering them a full-time position. This is one kind of temporary job interview where its fully acceptable to discuss your long-range goals.A lot of people who departure out in temporary positions and do really well and make a great impression are going to be the first to be considered for a full-time opportunity, should one present itself, Coker says.If youre asked why youre pursuing temporary work over full-time positions, talking about how temporary wo rk fits into your current lifestyle would be appropriate.One more tidbit The temporary job interview process often moves quicker than for full-time positions. That means you may need to provide references right away, and you might be called in for a second interview, where you can expect to discuss the next steps. Be prepared to start very soon in a temporary job.Learn how Accountemps industry expertise and personalized job search service will help you find temporary positions well-matched to your unique skillset and requirements. WORK WITH OUR RECRUITERS Lauren Coker Lauren Coker is senior regional vice president for Robert Half in the North and South Carolina region. She has worked nearly two decades in specialized recruiting. She joined Robert Half in 1999 as a staffing m anager and quickly became a division director, followed by the roles of branch manager and regional manager.Follow Laurens thought leadership in these posts on the Robert Half blogWhats the Best Way to Find Full-Time Work? Start as a TempTry Before You Buy More Bosses Are Hiring Temps Full TimeEditors note This post has been updated recently.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Understanding Free Resume Templates 2019

Understanding Free Resume Templates 2019 If youre asking for an executive position, then you likely require a resume that allows for lots of details. 1 approach to prevent making your resume ugly is to be sure which you arent cramming your information on the page (such as the example below). The initial two examples are created with creativity in mind. A complete vorkaufsrecht for candidates with a great absprache of experience who desire to have a really good one-page resume template. There are lots of free creative resume templates its possible to use, permitting you to focus your energy on everything else you have to do. You ought to tailor your resume to the work description with the addition of keywords and techniques from the offer. Building your resume with an internet templatecan greatly enhance your odds of getting your dream job by providing you an effective, concise resume which appeals right to the position or business youre applying to. After you have added your details and work experience, you may also save your resume as PDF if you desire. You may also read more on the ideal approach to use our resume samples here. Anyone who would like to set you in charge of children may want to see evidence that youre trustworthy and dependable. Also think about if theres anything else you can do to assist your resume stand out. Whether you require a resume at the moment or if youre making one proactively, theres the possibility to suit your wants. All About Free Resume Templates 2019 Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that could aid you with your work search. So, all the advice on the best way to compose a resume still stands. You should understand, that resume format is essential, as it can boost your odds to get invited for an interview. Our creative templates permit you to stick out from the crowd. Free Resume Templates 2019 Secrets That No One Else Knows About Thus the use ofA Construction Resume TemplatesA is extremely u seful for all applicants who wishes to be employed. Or you might be unexpectedly laid off, and must begin work search. ersatzdarsteller check to be certain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better probability of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. 1 additional benefit of Monster is that, being international, you can use it in order to discover decent quality resume advice on destinations beyond the USA. If you wish to stick out from the competition, you must take it seriously. Its important to get your resume stand out from the work competition. Try to remember, you can eliminate any section you dont want or simply to keep the resume shorter. In some instances where the meaning is clear, you may use icons to replace text. Though there isnt any cover letter template included, it ought to be simple enough to create your own. Resu me templates exist to create your life simpler. Once you have decided on your perfect resume template from our selection, follow our completely free expert guidance about ways to craft the ideal modern resume. The majority of the templates are supplied by named, resume writing specialists and thus the quality is quite excellent. In case the preceding templates do not satisfy your requirements then complexity is possibly the perfect option. By utilizing a resume template absolutely free of clutter, youll only consist of relevant details. The option is right your choice For those reasons listed above, you are going to want to begin with a resume template. A timeless style resume template is also simple to customize. Ruthless Free Resume Templates 2019 Strategies Exploited The significance of superior design is indisputable. Each one of our creative style templates offer you a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and some style. More than a few of them co me with variations so that you can select your favourite design. Every one of them boasts a clean appearance, yellow accents, and Roboto font, which will provide a modern appearance to your documents.Since you may see, theres a vast range of freebies to select from. Whatever you will need is there on the plan page. The great thing about the Classic is that anybody can use it. Sometimes all you will need is a timeless style template thats clean, clear and right to the point.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Biggest Myth About What It Wants when You Are Asked for a Resume and a Writing Sample Exposed

The Biggest Myth About What It Wants when You Are Asked for a Resume and a Writing Sample Exposed A great sample manager resume will consist of keywords a number of times throughout the document. If you wish to go the additional distance, look at preparing a personal website where it is possible to store your writing samples, and other examples of your work. You must always match the form of writing in your sample to the sort of writing required in your intended job. Lastly, make certain to supply all appropriate contact information like your email address and telephone number. Understanding What It Wants when You Are Asked for a Resume and a Writing Sample As a result, while your resume objective should incorporate information on the career which you want, you also need to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. The resume summary is only a bridge to have the hiring manager in your experience. Resumes are quite important as it bears a work seekers backgrou nd information that would help her or him to find the job he or shes applying for. Writing a university application letter, by way of example, is intended forA you to enter a school to pursue your education for a step to achieve your dreams. An assignment from a company or technical writing class would likewise be appropriate. If youre applying to several writing jobs, you could consider creating an online writing portfolio which you can easily send to employers. Your resume, after all, isnt an autobiography, but instead a summary of your previous experience and qualifications. Things You Wont Like About What It Wants when You Are Asked for a Resume and a Writing Sample and Things You Will While an application writing is a mixture of explanation together with conviction. A resume objective can explain why youre qualified for the job, even should you not own a lot of related experience. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously offer you an advantage. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes an effective accomplishment statement. Ruthless What It Wants when You Are Asked for a Resume and a Writing Sample Strategies Exploited Writing an application letter needs a mixture of talent and abilities. Writing a resume is part of business writing. Writing isnt just a skill used whenever youre in school. Writing a strong application is a challenging procedure and we would like to make it simpler. What Is So Fascinating About What It Wants when You Are Asked for a Resume and a Writing Sample? It can likewise be useful to supply a sample with content much like the topics you may be writing about. You will never know when you may be requested to submit a writing sample. If you are picking an old writing sample, be certain to carefully review and update it to reflect the latest ideas. Its possible to keep some of your very best writing sam ples in UMBCworks.