Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to Attract and Retain Millennial Nurses

How to Attract and Retain Millennial NursesHow to Attract and Retain Millennial NursesHow to Attract and Retain Millennial Nurses DarienzoMillennial workers are front and center in todays workforce. In fact,according toPew Research,the generation born between 1982 and 1996 advanced as the largest generation in the labor force in 2016.If youre looking to hire Millennial nurses at your organization, its important to know what theyre looking for in a position and a company and how you can make your facility compete for this type of talent.Here are five ways to attract and retain Millennial nurses1. Invest in up-to-date technology and equipmentMillennials have grown up in the digital age and are accustomed to using the latest computers and devices at home and in the workplace. While its not necessary to buy iPads for each nurse, you will find that Millennials are mora easily frustrated with out-of-date or slow equipment they will push for streamlined, modern technology to make processes more efficient.2. Try to create a positive work-life balanceWhile it can be difficult to do in a busy health care setting, its vital to give your Millennial employees a better work-life balance. Younger nurses want more flexibility with their schedules they look for a flexible workplace that allows them to leave work early to pick up children or attend an important event like a wedding or funeral. They expect to have a generous amount of paid time off and the ability to adjust their hours when necessary.3. Provide open communication from executives and leadersOne of the quickest ways to lose employees is to keep them in the dark about important news or make big decisions without any input from them. Millennials are used to having information at their fingertips they want to know their voice is heard. Learning about important company news at the saatkorn time that thegeneral public does will only lower their trust in leadership and make them feel undervalued.Create a transparent cult ure at your facility by conducting an anonymous employee survey to find out what your nurses want most in their workand then make changes based on their feedback. Dont worry, you can start small. Even little changes will help build trust among workers.4. Communicate your purpose and provide ways to give backMillennials are value-driven. These professionals are committed to finding a company that helps them achieve this goal.This characteristic aligns with many nurses who chose their profession to make a difference in patients lives. They seek to work for an organization that not only provides quality health care but also values employees. They want authentic leadership and established programs that give back to the community.One easy way to ensure Millennial nurses understand your companys purpose is to print your core values on the back of all employee badges so they see them each time they clip them on for work. Talk about these values and how they can be further defined as part o f your employer branding. This will help employees feel they play a role in enhancing the company culture and fulfilling their mission to do good in the world.5. Spend more time mentoring new employees and focus on developmentMillennials are driven by their goals and actions they want ownership over projects and many aspire to be leaders themselves.Millennial expert and author Bruce Tulgan recommends mentoring these younger employees, providing them with regular feedback and guidance.Ask your nurse supervisors to allocate some of their time to coach new nurses and address their concerns and questions.Provide your Millennial employees with a mentor to help address a gap in soft skills. This could be another nurse or even a physician who can help them achieve their career goals and remain accountable.While these steps will require a bit of effort, theywill ultimately make your entire nursing staffBaby Boomers and Generation X-ers includedfeel more valued. And thats a good thing.Eric D arienzo is president of RNnetwork, a travel nurse staffing company based in Boca Raton, Fla.

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